Spot Welder for aluminium
Aluminium welding is very widespread, but it is much more difficult than the steel one, because of the features of this metal having high electric and thermal conducibility and a short solidification range.
The standard A.C. single-phase spot welders can be used only for thicknesses up to mm 2 + 2 and when a particular welding class is not required.
Electric absorption will be very high and not balanced.

The machines proposed by COSTEL for aluminium welding (or more properly for light alloys) are expressly designed for this purpose and differ a lot from a standard welder because the following components are provided:

  - high sliding pneumatic heads assembled on ball sleeves
  - pneumatic system with pressures cycle
  - Medium Frequency inverter with 3-phase absorption and D.C. welding transformer
  - constant current electronic controls

These machines provide the best possible performances and quality welds, also in compliance with MIL and aeronautic norms.

Bi-Zeta Engineering s.r.l. – Head Office Via Vanzago, 4 - 25030 Paratico (BS) ITALY - Phone +39 035 910958 - P.IVA: 01698590989

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